Monday, 1 April 2013

Fingers fingers fingers..

Sigh.. one finger has turned into 3. Grumble grumble grumble. I blame this prolonged winter we've been having - we still have snow on the ground!! It's APRIL!!!! Go away!

It's my birthday in 2 weeks so it better be gone by then. After the last post I was going to ring the doctor but the swelling went down over that weekend so I didn't, only to return last week in 3 fingers (woop!) and now it's Easter holidays and no one's picking up the phone so hopefully I'll get hold of someone tomorrow. I hope they can fit me in this week!!

I'm quite surprised at myself that I've been quite calm during this flare. I usually tend to get quite down when it 'comes back' but apart from a little meltdown that I had on Saturday, I've been pretty upbeat. I just need to remind myself to keep the negative thoughts at bay and not spiral into panic mode. When you take away the 'what if's' and only focus on the current physical problem it seems much easier to manage to stay positive.

In other news, my girlfriend has an appointment at the rheumatologist on the 24th, so I'll be going with her.

Also, I got a little pay rise today at work which was quite nice! I've also been working on my own website for my freelance photography and it's looking pretty good! I will share on here when it's done.

And finally - it's my birthday soon, as I already mentioned. I love my birthday! I'm such a child. This year I'm having an 'Under the Sea' fancy dress party. I'll be 27...


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog. I also have RA and fingers have always been struggle for me as well. Flares are definitely worst and when it affects your fingers it makes it hard to do anything because we use our hands for everything. I know that struggle and panic of "how am I going to get through this pain today and function like a normal human!" However, I have to remember that staying stress free helps the most with flare ups. Also, reminding myself that the more I move and stay active even if it hurts, it will eventually help. I sometimes feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz and we get stuck sometimes and just need some oil to getting moving again. Staying active and remaining calm are the best things you can do for yourself when we get flares and there is no immediate medicine to help.
    Hope the flares in your fingers get better!

  2. Another post from another stumbler. I just wanted to say thank you. As someone who has been diagnosed with RA in the past month, it's been a breath of fresh air to find positive blogs like yours instead of focusing only on all the dry (and frankly scary) medical websites ;) I also read your onset story, and your symptoms and initial thoughts and feelings are the closest to mine than anything else I've read. Add to that the fact that I'm the same age as you and also from Glasgow, and I'm looking forward to reading along!

  3. Hi Squirrel. I'm a website editor and I'm looking for young people with arthritis who can write, take photos, make videos to take part in a media project.

    Please would you drop me a line or give me a call if you would like to find out more. I'd be very grateful. My number is 07739 18753, my email is and my professional website is

    Best wishes,

